[noun] ・something that is made or grown to be sold or used ・a thing or person that is the result of an action or process. ・a quantity obtained by multiplying quantities together, or from an analogous algebraic operation.
They produce metal products there. 彼らは金属製品をそこで作ります。
Eric is a production designer for movies. エリックは映画の美術監督です。
Nuts and berries are natural food products. ナッツとベリーは自然食品の製品です。
Volcanic products include lava, volcanic ashes, lapillus, pumices, volcanic bombs, and volcanic gases. 火山噴出物には、溶岩、火山灰、火山礫、軽石、火山弾、火山ガスなどがある
If I were an engineer, I would look for a chemical safer than water to use for geothermal energy production. もし私がエンジニアなら、私は地熱エネルギー生産のために使用するため、水よりも安全な化学物質をさがすのになあ。